Son of man

What is Son of Man?

Son of Man’s aim is to be an exploration through modern parenting, to find the hidden answers and forgotten gems to raising successful children. We get bombarded with so much information, that I believe sometimes it’s sensible to look back to see how exactly we were designed to eat, move and behave. I know that for me, this has helped me get trough many challenging situations.

The main focus will be on the daily changes we can make as parents to, both, give our children the best chance to grow up happy and healthy, and to increase our output and longevity as fathers. As the adventure continues, more and more categories will become apparent. Initially, I plan to share articles and ideas on how we can make changes to ours, and our children’s lives, so that they can live a full life and one that is their own choice.

Son of man

Son of Man targets advice from the industrial industries that sell us the products we are told we need. The advice we hear, the headlines we see, the fear we feel is so often capitalised on. We all want what’s best for our children. We are humans, we shouldn’t forget it. Sometimes to see the best future, we need to look back to our beginnings.

It may sound ambitious, but I honestly think that the topics we will discuss at Son of Man will change lives and make a new generation of happy, healthy and powerful humans.

Who am I?

I am a father to a son of 3 years, and an active (and busy) member of the military, so not at home as often as I’d like to be. Therefore I already feel as if I’m on the back foot when it comes to providing a masculine role model for him, and every minute of parenting for me is precious and valuable. Hence the journey of discovery.

I have been interested in trying to optimise myself and get the most out of everything I do, for about 15 years. Many of the things I’ve discovered are included on this site. Unfortunately, I never thought about hacks for parenting until parenting smacked me in the face one day.

Son of man

Similar to many new parents, I was clueless as to how to raise a child. Initially I blindly followed the common parenting advice that is widely distributed and rarely questioned. I knew that food industries lied and health agencies were misinformed. However, I thought that when it came to babies, health was the primary concern. This illusion was shattered when I looked at the ingredients label for some ‘staple’ weening foods, that we were advised to use, and saw the nonsense ingredients it included. Nonsense that contributed nothing to my son’s development.

My eyes were opened. If parents were being encouraged to feed their children vegetable oils and grain flour as a healthy snack, what else were we being tricked into doing? Or tricked into avoiding?

This kickstarted an adventure into researching alternative methods than those typically taught. From what to feed and teach your son, to how to optimise yourself as a father. Ensure you can both fully enjoy the parenting journey, and give it all of your effort and passion.

The logo.

Son of man

In Argentina there is a cave known as Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands). In several waves starting over 9000 years ago, humans have been spraying paint over their hands and onto the wall. Using their hand as a stencil, there are now over 2000 handprints decorating the cave.

To me, it shows a direct link to our hunter-gatherer ancestors: humans like us that wanted to be remembered. In all that time, fundamentally who we are and what we need hasn’t changed. It is our environment that has.

So the logo is my son’s hand inside mine. To remind me of where we come from, and where to look when I need answers.

What is the need for Son of Man?

Why am I focusing primarily on raising boys? The vast majority of the posts are equally beneficial for both sons and daughters (and parents). But I feel as if the cultural environment recently has looked on males in an extremely negative way.

There is a widely believed myth that the qualities associated with men are damaging to society and to men themselves. I don’t want my son to grow up, attending school and work where he is demonised for his attributes. For millennia, fathers raised their sons to continue to protect the family after they were gone.

The more protectors in society the better and we have a direct responsibility for how the next generation turn out. Raise your legacy.

Son of man

What does Son of Man provide?

By consolidating the most current research and advice from the leading experts, and delving further back to look at how traditional human societies raise their children. We will ask questions to challenge the preconceived notions that hamper our children’s development. We will rebel against the societal norms that specifically attack our sons.

Son of Man will become a hub for parents. It will be a melting pot for ideas and education on natural and traditional parenting methods. To that end, please comment on any posts that you have an opinion on and get the discussion going. This is how new ideas are created and discovered.

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