Why Is My Son Always Tired? A Guide for Fathers

Why Is My Son Always Tired? A Guide for Fathers

There’s a lot going on in our son’s lives. A lot more than we give them credit for. So it’s normal for them to be worn out after a busy day of being a child.

But are you worried that they seem more tired than other children their age? Let’s take a look at some potential reasons why your son might be feeling fatigued and what you can do as a father to help…

Your son may be feeling fatigued due to a variety of factors, such as lack of sleep, poor diet and nutrition, stress, or medical conditions. To help figure out the root cause of his tiredness, it is important to talk to your son and look for other signs that could indicate an underlying problem.

Why is my son always tired?

Why is sleep so important?

Sleep plays an essential role in a child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. During sleep, the body repairs itself, memories are consolidated, emotions are regulated, and energy levels are replenished. According to research from Harvard Medical School, infants who get more nighttime sleep tend to have better language skills than those who do not(1). Similarly, teens who don’t get enough sleep can struggle with concentration, memory formation, problem-solving skills, reaction time and decision-making. 

Read here for 8 breakfast ideas to feed him when he wakes up

Do children need more sleep than adults?

Yes. They are still growing and developing mentally and physically. During deep sleep cycles, their bodies produce growth hormones which are essential for brain development and physical growth. Additionally, deep sleep helps restore the immune system functions which are especially important in young children who tend to get sick often due to their immature immune systems. Sleep is also a massive factor in improving mood, with a lack of it being associated with increased likelihood of disorders like depression and anxiety. With adequate sleep, your son benefits from more energy throughout the day and greater cognitive function.

5 Common Causes of Fatigue in Kids

1. Lack of sleep

No surprise here! The first step to take if you’re worried is to make sure your son is getting enough sleep. It’s recommended that school-aged children should get 9-12 hours per night(2). If their sleep schedule has changed due to events like after-school clubs or sports teams, adjust their bedtime accordingly. Get into a good bedtime routine and don’t let him stay up late just because he says he isn’t tired.

Why is my son always tired?

Additionally, limit screen time before bed to reduce stimulation that might keep them up longer than expected.

The blue light emitted from screens such as phones, tablets, and TVs can have a major impact on sleep. If your son is spending too much time looking at screens near bedtime, it could disrupt natural melatonin production which is essential for a good night’s rest. Our circadian rhythm is messed up when we use bright screens shortly before attempting to go to sleep, resulting in a less restful sleep.

Additionally, this negative effect can remain throughout the night even after turning off the devices. Make sure to discuss healthy screen-use habits with your son in order to ensure his future mental and physical well-being. It’s a good idea to instil a screen ban for at least 2 hours before it’s bedtime.

Read here to learn how sunlight exposure can improve sleep and fight fatigue

2. Stress

Stress can manifest itself in many ways, such as the pressure to perform well in school, difficulty making friends, or even family issues that can affect a child’s mental health. Make sure you ask your son how he is feeling each day and if there is anything worrying him. If his answer is yes, try to talk openly with him about it so he feels heard and understood.

Stress causes our bodies to produce hormones such as adrenaline, which in turn can lead to insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. Understanding the triggers that cause your son’s stress is a key first step in supporting healthy sleep habits and ensuring a good night’s rest. Take the time to make sure that your son has plenty of rest and fun to counteract any stresses.

Destress your son and make him unstoppable with these 10 things!

Why is my son always tired?

3. Diet

It is important to understand the connection between diet and sleep. Sleep can be affected by what we eat in many ways. Too much sugar in particular tends to cause a spike in energy levels followed by an inevitable crash which further disrupts your sleep patterns. Similarly, unhealthy eating habits such as skipping meals can potentially affect sleep rhythm and lead to disrupted sleep. Feeding your son a healthy diet will limit chances of nutrient deficiencies. A lack of things like iron and vitamin B12 can have serious consequences on health and deplete energy levels. A diet high in red meat will keep the levels of these nutrients topped up.

Read here for more information on these important nutrients and more!

Why does sugar stop children sleeping?

Consuming too much sugar can cause an energy spike followed by an inevitable crash which further disrupts your son’s sleep patterns. Sugar contains glucose, which is a type of carbohydrate that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and provides a quick burst of energy. But this surge in energy will eventually lead to a drop in blood sugar levels as the body works to metabolize the sugar, leading to feelings of fatigue. This drop in energy can make it difficult for children to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Additionally, consuming sugary snacks close to bedtime can cause stimulation that makes it difficult for children to wind down and relax before sleep. Therefore, it is important to limit your son’s sugar intake to avoid disrupting his sleep.

Read here for more foods to avoid feeding your son

Why is my son always tired?

4. Lack of Exercise

Physical activity is essential for mental and physical well-being. Children who lack physical activity can find it difficult to fall asleep due to overstimulation and stress. Lack of exercise, especially in children, can lead to fatigue, poor concentration and difficulty sleeping. Encourage your son to go outside and get some exercise by playing sports or going on a walk. This will not only help him feel better physically but also psychologically. Regular exercise helps to reduce cortisol levels which are responsible for feeling stressed or anxious, allowing our bodies to relax and get ready for bedtime.

Child exercise myths debunked here!

In addition, physical activity helps the body to produce melatonin which is necessary in order to get a good night’s rest. Not only will exercise help your son feel more energetic during the day but also provide him with better sleep at night.

Read here to learn why you and your son should exercise outside!

5. Medical Issues

Fatigue could also be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as anaemia or diabetes. If you suspect this could be the case, please contact your paediatrician right away for further tests and diagnosis. Additionally, if your son has been experiencing any other symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches alongside fatigue, make sure you mention them during the appointment as well.


As fathers, it’s our responsibility to take care of our sons’ physical and mental health – this includes making sure they get enough rest every night and looking out for signs of stress that could lead to fatigue during the day. If you’re worried about your son’s constant fatigue and think it could be a symptom of something else happening beneath the surface, don’t hesitate to reach out for further medical advice from your paediatrician right away. By being proactive and getting ahead of any potential problems early on, you can help ensure ongoing good health for your son for years to come!

If you’re looking for tips and advice on how best to support your son’s physical, mental and emotional health, why not sign up for the Son of Man newsletter today? We aim to provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help guide you through any issues that may arise. Subscribe now and receive regular updates straight to your inbox!

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1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/sugar-and-your-childs-sleep-what-you-need-to-know-2019022516757

2. https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/how-much-sleep-does-my-child-need/why


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