Welcome to Son of Man: a Father’s adventure in modern parenting

Welcome to Son of Man: a Father’s adventure in modern parenting

Parenting has never been easy. The correct way to raise a child has been a question at the forefront of every parent’s mind, I imagine, since parenting began. But in 2019, my wife gave birth to a son, and the atmosphere in society seems hostile to what I deem to be the natural way to raise a child, and especially a boy.

With leaps ‘forward’ in technology, changes in Western ideals, and the comfortable way of life most of us now enjoy, the trials of bringing a boy up to be a powerful man seem new and difficult.

Maybe I’m biased. Over a decade in the military has influenced my own ideas of how a man should be. But the aim of this site is to explore what it means to raise a man, and to challenge preconceived ideas from society that I believe hampers the proper growth and development of children in modern times.


What is Son of Man

A fathers adventure in modern parenting

Son of Man’s aim is to be an exploration through modern parenting, to find the hidden answers and forgotten gems to raising successful children. We get bombarded with so much information, that I believe sometimes it’s sensible to look back to see how exactly we were designed to eat, move and behave. I know that for me, this has helped me get trough many challenging situations.

The main focus will be on the daily changes we can make as parents to, both, give our children the best chance to grow up happy and healthy, and to increase our output and longevity as fathers. As the adventure continues, more and more categories will become apparent. Initially, I plan to share articles and ideas on how we can make changes to our lives and our children’s lives to improve quality of life.

It may sound ambitious, but I honestly think that the topics we will discuss at Son of Man will change lives and make a new generation of happy, healthy and powerful humans.

For more information about Son of Man, visit our About Page.

Raise Your Legacy

Our children are our greatest legacy. How they grow up and subsequently raise their own children says more about us than anything else we could do in a lifetime. You are in control of them for such a short amount of time. In that time, do the extra work that they need to thrive and grow to be unstoppable humans, and live forever.

What is the need for Son of Man?

Our modern lifestyle has had negative effects on many aspects of mens lives. An increasingly sedentary way of living has effects on both physical and mental health. Being active results in lower cases of anxiety and depression (1), conditions currently plaguing both sexes, although, sadly, men have a suicide rate 3-4 times higher than women(2). As well as a mental health epidemic, obesity is also at an all time high and continues to rise with an estimated 68.2% of men in the UK categorised as obese or overweight in 2019. As well as this, in 2021, 14.4% of children aged 4-5 and 25.5% aged 10-11 were obese(3). 

These facts alone are enough to worry a parent. Add to these the impacts of the more subjective challenges, as well as the extra issues associated with things like poor diet and lack of sunlight, and there are many challenges to face.

What are the modern parenting challenges that exist?

A fathers adventure in modern parenting

As I mentioned previously, some of the issues are due to how all our lives have changed. Though it’s hard to deny that most of these changes have improved our lives greatly, there are elements that go against our natural physiology and psychology and are detrimental to the upbringing of a child. Unfortunately, as happens, many of these have become cultural norms and to go against them, especially when parenting, is seen as radical. To that end, Son of Man will initially address a number of topics, and will continue to follow the trail on this parenting adventure:

Lifestyle Challenges

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • The modern industrial diet
  • Health and Safety
  • Social Media
  • Lack of outdoor time

Social Challenges

  • Cultural norms
  • Lack of role models
  • The triviality of Fathers
  • The school system
  • Toxic masculinity myth
  • Busy parents

Why are these challenges a problem?

Although I aim to focus on how I raise my son, the issues stated above are pertinent to any parent. If we get them all wrong, then we risk our children growing up unhappy, unfulfilled and weak. Weakness may not be seen as a problem in many societies in the West these days, and for me to worry that my son might grow up to be a weak man could be seen as ‘toxic’. However, whether a son or a daughter, there is no benefit to weakness.

A strong adult is confident, capable and unstoppable. With the ever-growing rise in cases of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, a strong adult will have the super power of simply being happy. And what parent doesn’t want that for their child?

Who benefits?

The real question is: who doesn’t benefit? Boys brought up to realise their full potential will grow into the adults that a successful society needs. All the topics to be discussed in future posts are also just as useful for those without children. We will discuss the latest research in natural living that will allow anyone to live happier and healthier lives.

    No matter where society is headed, a boy that is meant to be outside all day running and playing will not thrive by spending all his time in front of a screen, eating industrial crap and being isolated from proper human connections. There are many more specific topics to be covered, beneficial for both the parent, the child and their relationship. Ways that we can reconnect with the humans that we are meant to be and learn to thrive.

A father’s adventure in modern parenting

Son of Man Shop

The shop will be regularly updated with Son of Man information products. We have partnered with an author that shares our vision of empowering humans to realise just how powerful they can be. And he should know!

He is currently working on a book designed to provide insight into methods that elite groups use to battle stress and anxiety. He learnt these techniques himself over a long career working in an extremely high stress and meritocratic environment. They are truly life-changing for anyone, whether you’re giving a presentation to hundred of peers, or just struggling with some social anxiety.

The book will be available in February 2023. Keep up-to-date and receive offers by subscribing to our newsletter below. Also, don’t miss releases of his children’s books designed to promote strength, fortitude and self-confidence in boys- traits shockingly absent in todays children’s books!

Or check out our Shop to see what’s available.

Closing Remarks

The list of challenges that parents face is too long to delve into in this post alone.

The points above are the general areas where, I believe, there are obstacles to raising a child.

As a fairly recent parent, I aim to address the issues in detail, using research from the real experts. Its an ongoing learning process from myself to develop my parenting and give my son the best start in life.

There are areas that I already work on, and have for the first 3 years of my son’s life, but there will always be more to explore.

I want Son Of Man to grow into a hub for natural parenting, and a place where we can exchange ideas and advice so that we can all work together to grow the next generation of strong and powerful humans. 

Raise Your Legacy


  1. https://www.scielo.br/j/trends/a/3MXbNC4DY3y3M54PrjB4gGS/abstract/?lang=en
  2. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/depressions-problem-men/2021-07
  3. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn03336