Top Tips For New Dads: Navigating The First 100 Days

Top Tips For New Dads: Navigating The First 100 Days

The first 100 days of fatherhood are a rollercoaster ride of emotions, experiences, and stinky surprises. For new dads, these moments teeter at the edge of overwhelming and exhilarating. From the anticipation of your baby’s arrival to navigating the unexpected reality of parenthood, this milestone is filled with growth, love, and perhaps a bit more coffee than you’re used to. Our top tips for new dads will explore the joys, trials, and most memorable moments that make this phase of parenthood truly one of a kind.


Imagine feeling every possible emotion rolled into one—a cocktail of excitement, terror, and pure joy, garnished with an overwhelming sense of responsibility. That’s the preface of becoming a dad. From setting up the nursery to reciting the books every proud parent reads, you eagerly await the grand entrance of your little one.

For ease we’ve broken it down into our ‘top tips for new dads’ phases:

  1. Preparation
  2. The Labour
  3. Day-to-day life
  4. Support Systems
  5. Lessons Identified

1. Preparation Phase

For most dads-to-be, the preparation phase is a poignant mix of practicality and emotion. There’s the assembling of cots, the installing of car seats, and the attending of parenting classes—all packed with the realisation that life as you know it is about to change forever. You’re not just setting up a room; you’re laying the groundwork for a new chapter of your life.

Anticipating the Arrival

The due date acts as an omnipresent countdown to an event you can’t fully prepare for. The anticipation grows in your household like a sentient being, making every day a mixture of checking lists and staring in awe at how small a diaper really is.

Amidst this period of eager anticipation, it’s imperative for dads-to-be to also focus on the emotional preparation for the arrival of their newborn. This entails engaging in deep conversations with your partner about parenting philosophies, fears, and aspirations. It’s equally crucial to reach out to friends or family members who have navigated the murky waters of new parenthood for their wisdom and support.

Establishing a support system can alleviate some of the anticipatory anxieties that come with awaiting the arrival of a child. Additionally, taking time for oneself—to meditate, reflect, or simply breathe—can be incredibly beneficial in mentally preparing for the life-altering adventure of fatherhood that lies ahead.

2. The Labour and Delivery

When the moment finally arrives, nothing can fully prepare you for the intensity and emotion of labour and delivery. It’s a time when every second seems to stretch on indefinitely, filled with a unique blend of excitement and anxiety. For many dads, being present during the birth provides an unparalleled connection to the miracle of life but also exposes them to the raw strength and vulnerability of their partners.

This experience often reshapes their understanding of love, witnessing first-hand the power and resilience it takes to bring a new life into the world. Amidst the chaos, there’s a profound moment of clarity and purpose, understanding your role not just as a partner but as a protector and caregiver in the most literal sense.

For more information on how Dads can handle the labour, and some invaluable top tips, check out this post!

Navigating Emotions and Expectations

There is no manual for the emotional whirlwind you’ll encounter. Expectations are canoeing unpredictable waters. You might find unexpected fears, such as how to swaddle properly or the thought of not being able to soothe a crying baby.

3. Day-to-Day Realities

The 100-day mark signifies routine, which means understanding the grunts and cries, decoding when a laugh is just around the corner or if a nap is a battle neither of you will win.

Sleepless Nights and Nappy Changes

A cliché that few can exaggerate, the lack of sleep has a domino effect on everything from your job performance to the flavor of your breakfast. Yet at 3 am, pacing the floor, you’ll feel a love that surpasses fatigue.

The Depths of Paternal Bonding

Just as significant as the sleepless nights are the moments of quiet connection. In the stillness of the early morning, when the world is yet to wake, you’ll discover a profound sense of bonding. Holding your baby close, feeling their heartbeat against yours, there’s an unspoken dialogue of love and reassurance. These are the moments when the weight of fatherhood truly settles in, not just as a duty but as a privilege.

It’s during these tranquil interludes, away from the chaos of daily life, that many dads report feeling the strongest connection to their child. The simplicity of these interactions—whether it’s a shared smile, a gentle touch, or the peaceful rhythm of breathing in sync—cements the bond between father and child. This emotional attachment lays the foundation for a relationship that will evolve over the years, shaping the parent you are to become.

Bonding Moments and Challenges

In between feedings and naps, the bonding moments are the sanctuary between the hard bits of being a new dad. From the first time they clasp your finger to the moments of uninterrupted eye contact, you begin to understand the reason for it all.

4. Support Systems

Your first 100 days aren’t just yours to manage; they’re a collective effort.

Partner Dynamics

Understanding your partner’s new role and needs is like learning a new language. You’ll stumble, but finding your sync amid the chaos is a triumph that solidifies your team.

Family and Friends’ Involvement

Your extended tribe comes bearing fresh nappies and Shepard’s pie in bulk. All gestures, however big or small, are gilded in their support, and as you struggle with the stroller for the nth time, their presence becomes invaluable.

5. Lessons Learned

The education of fatherhood goes beyond the nursery. It’s a curriculum in self-discovery and adaptation.

Growth as a Parent

You will surprise yourself. The patience you never knew you had, the ingenuity to calm a screaming baby with the most nonsensical dance. The growth as a parent is exponential in the absence of a comfort zone.

Reflections on the Journey

Amidst the chaos, take a moment to reflect. You’ll notice the crisper details—the creases in their skin, the warmth of their breath. The reflections are the still waters that give depth to an experience defined by motion.


Hopefully these top tips for new dads will offer assisstance! The emotional crescendo of the first 100 days is just the beginning, a prologue to the tale of parenthood. It’s a time of immense challenge, growth, and an abundance of love that can only be measured by the soft squeeze of their tiny hand against your finger. To all the new dads, the ones teetering on the edge of the unknown, brace yourselves. Because this is only the first chapter of a beautiful story.

With each feeding, each smile, and each bump along the way, you’re shaping not only a child’s life but also your own. And that’s the miracle in all of this—how, in 100 days, one small human can teach us the biggest lessons. The first 100 days aren’t about perfection; they’re about presence, perseverance, and paternal pride that grows with each passing moment. Take a deep breath, and continue the remarkable journey of fatherhood—because trust us, it only gets better from here.

FAQs about Top Tips for New Dads

How can I balance work and being a new father?

Balancing work and new fatherhood is about setting priorities and boundaries. Communicate openly with your employer about your new family commitments and explore flexible working arrangements if possible. At home, create a schedule that allows quality time with your partner and baby, even if it’s just a few uninterrupted minutes a day.

What are the best ways to support my partner during this time?

Support your partner by being actively involved with baby care duties, offering emotional support, and ensuring they get some personal time to rest and recuperate. Listening and acknowledging their feelings without trying to ‘fix’ things right away can also be very helpful.

How can I build a strong bond with my baby?

Bonding with your baby can be facilitated through skin-to-skin contact, engaging in baby talk, playing, and being present during feeding times, even if you’re not the one doing the feeding. These actions help in creating a connection and recognising your presence and scent.

What should I do if I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed?

Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Talk about your feelings with your partner, family, or friends. Don’t shy away from seeking professional help if the stress feels unmanageable. Remember, taking care of your mental health is crucial for both you and your family.

Are there any recommended resources for new dads?

There are many resources available, including books, websites, and forums dedicated to new fathers. Local parenting groups can also be a valuable source of support and information, offering the chance to connect with others going through similar experiences.