7 reasons you need to limit your child’s screen time: and 10 wholesome activities to do instead

7 reasons you need to limit your child’s screen time: and 10 wholesome activities to do instead

In this age of constant stimulation, for parents as well as children, it can be hard to tear ourselves away from screens. But can we all overdo our exposure and what are the benefits to limiting our child’s screen time? Read below to learn more…

By turning off devices and taking set time away from screens we can significantly improve the development of our children. Giving their brains regular breaks will help encourage creativity, boost social skills and increase their overall happiness. Your family as a whole will also benefit from the extra time spent together.

Why should you limit your child’s screen time?

In today’s digital age, it is difficult to imagine our lives without smartphones, laptops, and other devices. Children have grown up surrounded by technology and it is now a part of their daily routine. While devices have their benefits such as connecting with others and accessing information, it is also important to encourage kids to spend time without devices.

Too much screen time has been linked to a wide range of health problems such as obesity, sleep disorders, and mental health issues. In this post, we explore why fathers should encourage their children to spend quality time without devices.

How much is too much screen time per age?

AgeScreen Time
18 MONTHS AND YOUNGERNo screen time except for essential video-chatting
18 – 24 MONTHSHigh-quality educational media only. Be there with them to help and explain.
2 – 5 YEARSLimit to 1 hour per day of high-quality media. Co-view to help them understand and apply it to the real world.
6 – 12 YEARSPlace consistent limits on time spent using media. Make sure it does not take place of other activities or impacts sleep.
12 YEARS AND OLDERDesignate media-free times and ensure that they stick to them. Screen-time should never come instead of outdoor/ social activities or affect sleep. Have device-free rooms such as bedrooms.
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics (1)

7 benefits of limiting your child’s screen time

1. Encourages creativity

Spending time without devices allows kids to explore their creative side. Children can use their imagination to engage in different activities such as playing with toys, drawing, writing, or playing outdoors. This helps them to develop their creativity and imagination skills which are important for their overall cognitive development.

Screen-free time actively nurtures creativity in children. It provides them an opportunity to explore their surroundings, engage in imaginative play, and exercise their problem-solving skills. Without the distraction of screens, they are compelled to generate their own ideas and invent games. This stimulates their creative thinking, an essential skill that supports their academic, occupational, and personal growth. Furthermore, children’s creativity thrives in nature where they can observe, interact with, and interpret their environment freely. Hence, screen-free time not only promotes creativity but also encourages the development of a diverse set of cognitive skills (2).

2. Promotes social skills

Children who spend too much time on devices may face difficulties in making real-life connections and building social skills. Too much screen time can also negatively impact social interactions such as eye contact, body language, and communication skills. Spending time without devices allows children to engage in real-life play, connect with family and friends, and build social skills that are essential for their future. It also helps them to develop empathy, compassion, and problem-solving skills when interacting with others.

Screen-free time significantly promotes social skills development in children through various means. Firstly, it encourages direct, face-to-face interaction, which is vital in learning non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expression, and tone of voice — skills that cannot be adequately learned from virtual interactions (3).

Secondly, unplugged playtime often involves cooperative activities that necessitate negotiation, compromise, and conflict resolution, thereby enhancing their interpersonal communication and problem-solving abilities. Lastly, in the absence of digital devices, children tend to engage more in community activities and outdoor play, providing them with opportunities to build relationships with their peers and understand the complexities of social norms and etiquette. Thus, screen-free time not only improves children’s social skills but also fosters emotional intelligence and adaptability, integral components of a well-rounded personality.

3. Fosters independence

Spending time without devices fosters independence in children. They learn to explore and do things on their own without relying on screens for entertainment. This helps them to develop self-reliance and confidence, which is essential for their personal growth. Children who spend time without devices are more likely to engage in outdoor activities, try new things, and develop important life skills such as decision-making and problem-solving.

Encouraging children to have designated screen-free time also teaches them the importance of balance and moderation. It helps them to understand that screens are just one aspect of their lives and that they can find enjoyment and fulfillment through other activities as well. This important lesson can benefit them in the long run, as they learn to prioritize their time and make healthy choices for themselves.

4. Better family connection

Excessive screen time can lead to a lack of communication and connection within families (4). Spending quality time without devices allows fathers and their children to engage in activities together without any distractions. This can help to strengthen the bond between them and create lasting memories. Fathers can use this opportunity to pass down important values and traditions, teach life skills, or simply have fun together.

Encouraging children to spend time without devices can also strengthen family bonds (5). Without the distraction of screens, families can engage in meaningful conversations, play games together, or do activities that promote bonding and communication. This quality time spent together creates a stronger sense of belonging and connection within the family unit. It also allows fathers to actively participate in their children’s lives and strengthen their relationship with them.

5. Improved mental health

Children who spend too much time on devices may face a wide range of health problems such as obesity, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression. Spending time without devices encourages children to engage in physical activities that are essential for their overall health and wellbeing. It also allows them to rest and relax, promoting better sleep patterns and reducing stress levels.

Screen-free time plays a crucial role in fostering children’s mental health. Without the constant stimulation from digital interfaces, children’s minds can unwind, reducing anxiety and stress levels. Activities such as reading, outdoor play, and family conversations encourage mindfulness, which can boost concentration and emotional well-being (6).

Moreover, reducing screen time can enhance sleep quality, as excessive device use before bedtime can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to mental fatigue. Hence, fostering a screen-free environment can significantly contribute to a child’s mental resilience, promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle (7) .

6. Physical Health

Exercise is essential for proper child development, however almost all screen-related activities are sedentary. Attachment Parenting International reports that, on average, 10-16 year old children spend only 12.6 minutes per day in vigorous physical activity. This is compared to the 60 minutes per day that’s recommended. Worryingly they also spend an average of 10.4 waking hours each day almost completely sedentary (8).

Screen-free time significantly contributes to children’s physical health by encouraging active play and physical exertion. Without the distraction of screens, children are more likely to engage in physical activities, which not only increase their fitness levels but also improve their coordination and motor skills. Regular physical activity can help in maintaining a healthy weight and prevent obesity, a growing concern amongst children in recent years. Moreover, outdoor play during screen-free time can expose children to sunlight, providing them with essential vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health. Thus, screen-free time plays a pivotal role in promoting the physical well-being of children.

7. Emotional development

Screen-free time can significantly enhance a child’s emotional development. It provides opportunities for children to understand and express their feelings in a healthy manner, away from the often oversimplified emotions presented on screens. Participating in real-life activities encourages them to navigate various emotional situations, thereby fostering emotional resilience and empathy.

Furthermore, the undivided attention they receive during family interactions without devices strengthens their self-esteem and sense of belonging. Therefore, time away from screens is instrumental in cultivating emotionally intelligent children capable of managing their feelings and understanding those of others.

How to replace your child’s screen time

Here are several activities children could engage in as alternatives to spending time on screens:

  1. Outdoor Games: Encourage children to participate in outdoor games such as hide-and-seek, catch, or tag. These games not only provide physical exercise but also boost social interaction.
  2. Hobby Development: Help children discover and nurture hobbies such as painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can develop their creativity and improve focus.
  3. Reading Books: Reading can enhance children’s vocabulary, comprehension, and imagination. Select age-appropriate books that align with their interests.
  4. Family Game Nights: Schedule regular family board game nights. This promotes bonding while improving strategic thinking and patience.
  5. Cooking/Baking: Involve your children in simple cooking or baking activities. This can teach them valuable life skills and the concept of healthy eating.
  6. Community Involvement: Encourage participation in community events or local clubs which can enhance their social skills and sense of responsibility.
  7. Nature Walks: Regular walks, hikes, or cycling in a nearby park can help children appreciate nature and provide a break from screens.
  8. Crafting Projects: Engage them in DIY crafting projects using recyclable materials, helping boost their creativity and environmental awareness.
  9. Pet Care: If you have pets, involve your child in their care. This can teach them empathy and responsibility.
  10. Skill Learning: Encourage them to learn a new skill like dancing, swimming, or a foreign language, which can result in a sense of accomplishment and improved self-esteem.


In conclusion, it is important for fathers to encourage their children to spend quality time without devices. This helps to promote creativity, social skills, independence, family connection, and healthy development. Fathers can set a good example by limiting their own screen time and engaging in activities that don’t involve screens. With the right balance between screen time and non-screen time, children can develop healthy habits that will set them up for a successful future.


  1. https://healthmatters.nyp.org/what-does-too-much-screen-time-do-to-childrens-brains/#:~:text=The%20American%20Academy%20of%20Pediatrics,think%20Sesame%20Street%20or%20PBS
  2. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/the-need-for-pretend-play-in-child-development/
  3. https://www.betterup.com/blog/face-to-face-communication#:~:text=Face%2Dto%2Dface%20communication%20is%20often%20more%20effective%20than%20written,us%20understand%20each%20other%20better.
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5823000/
  5. https://www.parentingni.org/blog/time-together-importance/
  6. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/featured-topic/5-ways-slimming-screen-time-is-good-for-your-health#:~:text=Putting%20down%20your%20phone%20and,and%20isolate%20themselves%20from%20others.
  7. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/teens-and-sleep/screen-time-and-insomnia-for-teens#:~:text=By%20delaying%20the%20release%20of,and%20increased%20next%2Dday%20sleepiness.
  8. https://attachmentparenting.org/blog/2016/05/02/less-screen-time-more-creative-active-play-time/


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