Can being vegan affect puberty? How to advise your teenager

Can being vegan affect puberty? How to advise your teenager

Puberty is one of the most stressful yet important times in a young man’s (and his father’s) life! As fathers, we often care more than them about a healthy and happy puberty but there are certain things we can do to guide them. In this post, we will answer the question “Can being vegan affect puberty” below…

A vegan diet can affect teenage growth, hormonal health and brain development during puberty. It lacks essential nutrients that teenage boys need to thrive, especially during such an important stage in their life.

Can being vegan affect puberty?

At a time when teenagers are already enduring immense stress, the physical and hormonal changes of puberty can become additional sources of anxiety. Fathers of vegan sons may be surprised to learn that their dietary restrictions could affect their son’s approach to this challenging period.

This blog post will discuss how being vegan during adolescence can alter or delay the natural course of puberty for teenage boys – providing fathers insight into how to ensure their son is receiving all necessary nutrients for development at this crucial stage.

From exploring what it means to be vegan, to evaluating research-backed implications, we’ll offer vital information on potential detriments as well as solutions so any father with a teenage son knows exactly what he needs to do to promote proper human health into manhood!

Can being vegan affect puberty

What is the vegan diet and why is it becoming more common among teenage boys

The vegan diet, once considered a niche dietary choice, is now gaining popularity amongst teenage boys. This dietary choice involves abstaining from all animal and animal-derived products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs.

Many teenagers are choosing to adopt a vegan lifestyle out of concern for animal welfare, as well as for environmental and health reasons. Veganism is seen as a way to reduce one’s impact on the environment, and studies have shown that it can improve overall health and aid in weight loss. The increasing availability of vegan options in restaurants and grocery stores is also contributing to its growing popularity amongst teenagers.

Humans and meat: a love story. Read more about our long relationship here…

What’s the problem if a teenage boy wants to be vegan?

Veganism is incorrectly portrayed as ecological and compassionate by the media and highly influential figures in society. Teenagers are most susceptible to the message because they’re at a stage in their life when they want to change the world and stand up for the wrongs of the previous generation. We’ve all been there!

But although on the face of it not eating animals can seem like the most caring way to live, the reality is much different. Mono-crop agriculture decimates the biodiversity of huge areas of land globally. Wheat takes up space as big as 10x that of the UK! Many animals lose their habitat to make way for crops and are killed due to pesticides and harvesting. And due to our inability to properly digest and process nutrients from plants we need to produce and consume them on an enormous scale.

Compare that to a single cow that could feed a family for a year. One cow’s life versus countless lives during grain production. Which is more vegan?

Stepping away from ethics, there are a host of physical reasons why a teenage boy should avoid a vegan diet which the rest of the article will cover…

Can being vegan affect puberty

How can a vegan diet negatively affect puberty for teenage boys

Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage, and nutrition plays an integral role in supporting optimal growth. A vegan diet can negatively impact puberty for teenage boys by denying them essential nutrients and affecting their hormonal and cognitive development.

The absence of animal protein and fats can lead to a deficiency in essential amino acids and nutrients which are crucial for growth and development. The fats in plants are rarely saturated, with most being polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats have been found to significantly reduce serum testosterone production for 5 hours after eating (1) In the same study, protein was found to increase production.

Protein from animal sources is more bioavailable than that from plants, increasing the amount we can digest (2). Insufficient protein intake may affect bone growth, and muscle development as well as hormones.

Fats from naturally-raised animal sources contain brain-boosting nutrients like DHA and B12. Not only will they help with the proper development of your son’s brain but keep him focused and happy as he navigates the adolescence minefield.

What a vegan child lacks! Read the full post here…

The physiological effects of a vegan diet on male development

A vegan diet has been a topic of interest for many individuals, with much debate surrounding its effectiveness and impact on health. One specific area of concern that has been raised is how a vegan diet affects male development. The media often suggests that a well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients needed for male growth and development, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

However, it is important to note that a poorly planned vegan diet can result in deficiencies that can have negative consequences on male development, such as stunted growth and reduced muscle mass and bone density (3).

Due to the lack of essential nutrients like choline, a vegan diet can negatively impact brain health (4). Though it may seem theoretically viable to obtain all of the nutrients to sustain proper growth during puberty, in reality, a vegan diet doesn’t weigh up in reality. Our guts are not designed to process large amounts of plant food which would be required if your teen plans to be fully vegan. Early in our evolution, we made a trade-off by sacrificing our gut length for a big brain (5). With a short gut, we cant be designed to exist purely on difficult-to-digest plants. The majority of human nutrition should come from animal products, as we are designed!

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Can being vegan affect puberty

The psychological effects of a vegan diet on male development

A vegan diet is often seen as healthier and more ethical, however, the dietary restrictions it imposes can hurt teenage boys’ mental health. A vegan diet typically includes high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and low levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids are essential for brain development, cognitive function, and mental health.

Without adequate levels of DHA, teenagers can experience impaired cognitive development, poor concentration and memory, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and other psychological issues. A study by the National Institute of Health (USA) found that low levels of DHA were associated with a higher risk for depression and cognitive deficits in teenage boys (6).

A vegan diet also lacks important vitamins such as B12 which is critical for healthy brain functioning and can lead to symptoms like irritability, confusion and fatigue. B12 is needed for neural myelination, as well as general brain development and cognitive function (7). An insufficiency in B12 is fairly common among children and can get even worse during adolescence as rebellious teens change their diet.

Additionally, certain vegan foods can be high in sugar and low in fibre, leading to spikes and drops in blood sugar levels which can further contribute to mood swings and mental health issues.

Learn more about how our diet can boost or break our brainpower and mental health by reading this Son Of Man post…

Can being vegan affect puberty

The main nutritional deficiencies associated with a vegan diet

A vegan diet can offer potential nutritional deficiencies that must be addressed. One of the most commonly cited concerns with a vegan diet is the risk of deficiency in vitamin B12, which is predominantly found in animal products. Without proper supplementation or fortified foods, a vegan diet can lead to a decrease in vitamin B12 levels and subsequent health issues such as anaemia and nervous system damage.

Other nutrients that may be lacking on a vegan diet include calcium, iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. It is important for individuals who follow a vegan diet to carefully plan their meals to ensure they are getting the necessary nutrients or consider supplementation. But if you can, advise your son to stick with good quality meat for maximum health.

What are 5 of the unhealthiest foods available? Read here to find out so you can eliminate them from your family’s diet!

Hormonal concerns associated with a vegan lifestyle


One of the most important hormones associated with male puberty, and one that we continue to obsess over as adults, is testosterone. It’s responsible for most of the classic characteristics that we associate with puberty. Testosterone causes our hair growth, increased libido, penis growth and deeper voice. We also owe it for all of the important anabolic effects of puberty like skeletal and muscle growth (8).

And bad news for him, but your son is likely to have lower testosterone levels than you! Serum testosterone levels in men have been dropping at an average of 1% per year since the 1980s (9). Which is also around the time when the low-fat movement properly began to gain traction. What a coincidence!

Can being vegan affect puberty


Without adequate nutrition, teenage boys may experience an increase in stress hormones such as cortisol which can lead to feelings of mental and physical exhaustion, poor concentration, insomnia, anxiety, and depression (10).

Cortisol is secreted as an answer to stress and is an important survival method for humans. Unfortunately, we aren’t usually in danger of being mauled by bears or attacked by a rival tribe anymore. But our day-to-day stresses from traffic jams and meetings still trigger this response. Cortisol suppresses any systems that aren’t immediately important for survival. Systems responsible for our immunity, happiness and focus.

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Other micro-nutrients

A vegan diet can also lead to deficiencies in zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids which can further impair hormonal health. Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone which plays an important role in male puberty. Deficiencies in this mineral can lead to delayed puberty and inadequate growth.

Selenium is a trace mineral that helps balance hormones and regulate the function of the reproductive system. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails, mental health and hormone balance.

Teenage boys need adequate amounts of vitamins B12 and D to support proper brain function, mental health, and endocrine system balance. A vegan diet can provide some B12 through fortified foods or supplements but may lack vitamin D due to limited absorption from the sun during winter months. The safest bet is for them to choose grass-fed meat animal products.

Sunlight gives us so much more than we know. Read this Son Of Man article to learn more about the power of sunlight…

Final words on hormonal health and a vegan diet

As more people turn towards plant-based diets for health, animal welfare and sustainability issues, concerns have arisen regarding the impact on hormonal health. While some studies suggest potential challenges in conceiving, particularly when following a strict or poorly balanced vegan diet. Anyone considering a vegan lifestyle during puberty must ensure they are receiving the appropriate amount of key nutrients, such as iron, calcium, B12 and zinc, to support healthy puberty.

To ensure proper hormonal health, teenage boys should be mindful of how a vegan diet might impact their hormone levels and supplement accordingly. Proper nutrition and supplements can help ensure adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, and hormones necessary for healthy growth during this important stage in life if they insist on being vegan.

Click here to read the Son Of Man post on how B12 can maximise confidence!

Recommendations for teenagers considering a vegan lifestyle

Sometimes it’s like talking to a brick wall!

No matter how hard you try to advise them they’ll always end up doing their own thing. Often just to spite you!

As he navigates his way through adolescence, your son may begin to consider adopting a vegan lifestyle. While the reasons for doing so may vary – from a desire to improve his health, to concerns for the environment, or a love for animals – he needs to approach this lifestyle change with thoughtful consideration.

A vegan diet, if properly planned with plenty of supplementation, can provide all the necessary nutrients. Though he will need to be aware of the impacts that have already been discussed in this post. It would be essential for you to educate your son on proper nutrition and what supplements he would need to take.

He must make a conscious effort to eat a varied and balanced diet to ensure he is meeting his nutritional needs instead of relying on vegan junk foods. It’s ultimately up to him to decide if a vegan lifestyle is right, but careful consideration and proper planning will go a long way in making the transition a successful one.

Diet is just one of the big things that your son needs to thrive through puberty. Read our comprehensive list here to learn about all the ways you can maximise his health and happiness this year!

Can being vegan affect puberty


  • Grass-fed animal fats contain essential nutrients that can’t be found in plants
  • Animal protein contains all the essential amino acids and is more bio-available.
  • Vegan diets can lower testosterone secretion
  • Key deficiencies in vegan diets include iron, calcium, B12, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Teenage boys need adequate amounts of vitamins B12 and D to support proper brain function, mental health, and endocrine system balance.
  • Educating your son on the importance of nutrition and supplementation is essential for a successful transition to a vegan lifestyle.
  • If veganism is unavoidable, a varied and balanced diet should be followed with an emphasis on whole foods instead of relying on vegan junk food.




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